Name: ART52 – The Isolation Chronicles
Artist: Sue Prince
Scattered pages from a square journal, each one a picture of our life in lockdown, with some words. The pictures are separate and sometimes distanced, sometimes a little overlapping with a dark background between them. Each picture is a snapshot of people doing what they did – supermarket checkout, nurses, vaccinations, deliveries, farming, 3D printers making visors…
Sue Prince is a contemporary folk artist, painting about people and their places. Her works are narrative and communicative, the words being as important as the images.
Sue lives on her family’s organic farm in the Peak District National Park and her art reflects that link with sustainability and humanity. She discovered this historic egg tempera style and technique in Southern Sweden in 2004 where it had died out and she was instrumental in its revival in its home place.
Swedish folk painting echoes folk art through the ages from Egyptian tomb paintings to the Bayeaux Tapestry. Sue is committed to folk art as it exposes us all as humans, who haven’t changed through time. Sometimes difficult and complex issues can be explored before the observer realises they have been present.
Artist website:
Twitter: @sueprinceartist
Instagram: @sueprinceartist