Name: ART29 – Not All Heroes Wear Capes
Artist: Sally Chinea
We need to be more grateful than ever to ALL key workers. During these unprecedented times we are asked to stay at home in order to keep ourselves and loved ones safe while keyworkers continue to work harder than ever to keep us all fed, connected and safe. Heroes are not those who fly in the sky or wear capes, but the ones who are by our side in difficult times. We are all in this together, and together we can beat this.
Sally’s personal practice explores boundaries and preconceptions, in particular the distinctions between craft and fine art and gender stereotyping. She enjoys using craft practices, particularly the ones that are traditionally associated with women and domesticity, to create contemporary art, with a love for site specific creation. She also works with various communities, running workshops and art projects, both within the education system and in the wider community using creative ideas based on repurposed, recycled, reused, reclaimed, upcycled art.
#Stay Home
Artist Website:
Instagram: SallyChinea