Name: ART31 – Peace of Mind(fulness)
Artist: Betti Moretti
Pease of Mind(fulness) is designed in a mindfulness style and attempts to offer people the chance to just sit quietly and reflect – something so vital for good mental health. Encompassing everything from the middle of our beautiful planet and out into the universe, it’s a reminder that we are all connected – and as Joni Mitchell said – “we are stardust.” Created with enormous respect to our wonderful NHS, and a thank you, from the bottom of this artist’s heart…
Betti Moretti, former Worcestershire Poet Laureate, is an explorer (in her dreams!), self-employed artist, illustrator, TV/Film Supporting Artist and Production Manager and yarn bombing folk singer. She is also and Art and Literature Tutor at a womens’ prison. Life is one crazy, arty, musical adventure! She has appeared in many other Wild in Art projects and is very proud to have raised over £50k for charities over the last 3 years.
Facebook: @BettiMoretti
Instagram: @bettimoretti
Twitter: @bettimoretti